History of the Aels Continent
Aels Continent - Facebook aplication of Nations:
The Aels Continent is between America and Europe, in some place in the Atlantic sea...
During the end of the ice age, is supposed the first human settlers who have arribed in the Aels continent... the cientifics are not sure, and some propose 40.000, 20.000 or even 12.000 years Before christ has posibles dates.
But, one thing is clear, during the neolitic era, between the 7.000 and 1.200, Indoeuropean nations arrive in the Aels continent.
In the VIII B.C Century, some places of Aels was part of the Celtic world, and because of the clumate of the nort-east of Aels, it was know has the land of the deads, in the other side of the sea, far away of europe...
and after the celtics, arrive many german and slavic nations to Aels.
The situation in Aels change during the VI-V Century, when Aels was discovered by Fenician traders... they simply trade the Aelian iron and precious metals, and when they came back, they said they don't find anything, only a sea of worms and dragons... they act this way to be the only ones to trade between the Mediterranean sea and Aels, having the monopoly.
The fenicians put some factories who became the first Aelian real cities in the current lands of The Colossal...
After the conquest of Tiro by Babilonia, in the 580 BC, the Aelianm Fenician colonies were part of the Cartaginean dominion, and some celtic and fenician aelian mercenaries fought in the first and second Punic war... but when cartago see the dangerous situation, to protect they dominions in Aels, they cut all the comerce whit the Aelian cartaginian dominions, because of the Imperialistic ideals of Roma....
But when Cartago was destroyed (delenda et Cartago) all the relation with the mediterranean sea was cutted... and only some celts maintain some sporadic relations with they cousins of britain and Ireland, but when Rome come to conquest Britannnia, all the relations between Aels and the rest of the world were cutted...
The Fenician, Lusitanian and Iberian of the old Cartaginean dominion became independt city-states, and began to develop their own culture, the origin of the Baziks, and expand themselves to the Karkaz region
The celtic move themselves to the Northwest and became the origin of the Ravinian, meanwhile the germans, goths and slavics nations became the Aelians, and expand themselves in the mountains of the Northeast and in the soutwest of Aels...
After centuries of not knowing the rest of the world, after the destruction of the Occidental Roman Empire, arrived in Aels a second wave of German trives: Vandals, Saxons, Jutos, Anglos, between others, and they push the oldest Aelian germanic/slavic nations to the west, the actual lands of Freiesland, Lohmar and Nova Prussia...
the first Christian come to the Aels continent in 583... the first chirstian in Aels were Ireland monks, who began to extend the christian religion in all the north of Aels... they came to Aels following some old celtic stories about the "land of the deads", but they kept secret the location of the continent, because the monastic order was afraid if other chirstian monasteries try to gain these souls, so, to be only they the saviors, they maintain the secret...
They convert most of the celtic and german tribes of the north of Aels, but they can't reach the City-States and kingdoms of the Karkaz region, followers of Baal, beginning various religious wars between the new christian and the pagans baziks...
but the situation changed the 734, when some Islamic ships, searching for lands after the conquest of the Iberian peninsula, arribed to Aels...
The muslim convert the Baziks to their faith, and even some of the new christian nations, with the apparition of the "traciks"...
In the IX Century, Vikings came to Aels, and settled the actual lands of Anicka and Brno
Al-Andalus, the Islamic Spain, had control over many lands of Aels, and send their population (visigoths, Suavians, Almoares, bere-ber and arabs) to Aels, were they began a flourish civilization in the Karkaz region...
Because of that, and the christian-muslim wars, again, Aels were sepparated of the european occidental world -again-
In 1453, after the fall of the Bizantinean Empire, some refugees came -by luck, and nothing else- to Aels... the greeks convert many catholics in Ortodox cristians, because in this moment, the Aelian Catolic church was in crisis...
Aels was re-discovered by Hispanic conquerors, in 1488, but the spanish in this moment was only searching for a route to the India, so they don't lend any attention over Aels (and then, when they discover America, they had full hands)...
But the Dutchs and English began to install some colonies in Aels, in the XVI Century, and in 1740, the Prussians of Friedriech der Grosse try a formal conquest of the Aels Continent, and the creation of colonies....
Then, in the last time of the XVIII and the XIX Century, Aels was conquered and colonizated by european nations...
the old Aelian nations fell, one by one... in 1847, the only independ country in Aels was Azlatan, former English colony but free in the same year...
after the example of the Azlatanians, many Aelian nations became indendent, and in the first half of the XX, there was only one colony: Nueva Atlantis, of Los Invisibles de Atlantis y España.
The most populated areas of Aels are in the Northwest and the Karkaz region, meanwhile, in the salvage south, the population is low... only the fierce Nutks, never conquered and very fierous
Etnic Groups of Aels:
Amberan http://i529.photobucket.com/albums/dd335/facebookfotos/untitled-1.jpg
Anicka: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/844555219
Arvenia: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/500674512
Azlatan: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/1310133717
Barnopea: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/655048898
Brno: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/722117951
Colossal: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/1389607577
Curtopia: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/585797095
Cynicadonia: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/677556760
Ellistopia: : http://apps.facebook.com/nations/701278581
Great Grammar and Spelling: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/1559685813
Freiesland: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/1094835722
JVP: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/607964052
Kuchenburg: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/638192577
Lohmar: : http://apps.facebook.com/nations/676522472
Los Invisibles de Atlantis y España: Colonia de Nueva Atlantis http://apps.facebook.com/nations/18719014
Niemals: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/638192577
Northern Highlands of Denethier: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/1322468766
Ole Crow: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/52707312
Puro Pan (PPN: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/651458278 PPS: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/1014274344)
Serdaristan: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/1028006886
Steezland: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/569395436
Tropicopia: http://apps.facebook.com/nations/513308959
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